
Informatics is a broad information science field that focuses on analyzing data and designing information technology solutions to meet the needs of end users (University of Washington, 2020). Informatics professionals can work in a wide variety of industries, including careers such as health informatics, business analysis, information architecture, data analysis, and user experience design (San Jose State University, n.d.)...

Competency A

Apply technology informatics skills to solve specific industry data and information management problems, with a focus on usability and designing for users

Competency B

Evaluate, manage, and develop electronic records programs and applications in a specific organizational setting

Competency C

Demonstrate strong understanding of security and ethics issues related to informatics, user interface, and inter-professional application of informatics in specific fields by designing and implementing appropriate information assurance and ethics and privacy solutions

Competency D

Identify user needs, ideate informatics products and services, prototype new concepts, and evaluate a prototype’s usability

Competency E

Work collaboratively in teams and use project management practices effectively to solve user-centric information and data problems

Competency F

Conduct informatics analysis and visualization applied to different real-world fields, such as health science and privacy.

Conclusion and Affirmation

I discovered the MS in Informatics program at SJSU while searching online for graduate programs from established brick and mortar universities. I had worked professionally as a UI designer for many years and became interested in studying user experience design after working with many talented UX professionals. I wanted to find a graduate program that had a foundational emphasis on user experience with a technical focus on data science and information management...