E-Portfolio Introduction
Informatics is a broad information science field that focuses on analyzing data and designing information technology solutions to meet the needs of end users (University of Washington, 2020). Informatics professionals can work in a wide variety of industries, including careers such as health informatics, business analysis, information architecture, data analysis, and user experience design (San Jose State University, n.d.). The MS in Informatics degree at San Jose State University is a holistic program with a foundational emphasis on user centered design and includes courses focusing on big data analysis, web application development, metadata and taxonomic systems creation, health informatics, human computer interaction, and cyber security. Throughout the duration of this program, I have had the opportunity to study a diverse range of subjects, which have provided me with the knowledge and skills to create data-driven solutions for end users.
This portfolio is a reflection of the knowledge that I’ve gained during this program, and is split into six sections that illustrate my proficiency over specific competencies. This portfolio is presented as follows:
- Introduction: This section provides a general overview about the informatics field and a summary of the process I used to create this portfolio.
- Competencies: There are six competencies that I’ve completed in order to demonstrate my mastery over this program’s learning outcomes. Each section focuses on a different core competency and includes a presentation of evidence to exemplify my capabilities.
- Conclusion and Affirmation: The conclusion reflects my experiences in the MS Informatics program and focuses on my personal and professional growth during this time. There is also an affirmation included that declares that the included work is my own and adheres to SJSU’s privacy considerations.
In order to demonstrate my mastery over these competencies, I gathered all of my projects, discussions, and assignments from my classes, and sorted them into groups that best represented each section. Once I organized my items, I had to narrow down my selections for each competency to two or three assignments. This was a difficult process because I had worked on many interesting and diverse projects throughout the program. Once my selections were chosen, I wrote my competency statements, and presented what I learned from each project or assignment as the competency’s evidence. After I finished writing my competency statements, I created a portfolio website using a react-based static site framework called Gatsby. This portfolio reflects everything I’ve learned in the MS in Informatics program, and I hope you enjoy reading about my journey.
San Jose State University. (n.d.). Master of Science in Informatics. SJSU School of Information. https://ischool.sjsu.edu/ms-informatics
University of Washington. (2020). What is Informatics? Information School University of Washington. https://ischool.uw.edu/programs/informatics/what-is-informatics